What is the main relation between string theory and cosmology

18 06 2021 21:55
کد خبر : 3782750
تعداد بازدید : 762




عنوان : What is the main relation between string theory and cosmology

 سخنران  :آقای دکتر وحید کمالی

زمان : دوشنبه 31 خرداد ماه ۱۴۰۰

ساعت ۱۲


: Abstract 

In this talk, I will review the main topics of quantum gravity conjectures in the context of early time cosmology 

It is possible to solve some famous problems of the hot big bang model using effective field theory(EFT) during the early epoch of universe evolution. There are some constraints on EFTs which are used to explain the early time cosmology. First I will show you that the standard model of inflation could not be embedded in string theory, so it is in the swampland. Then

I will explain how the non-standard model with the particle production effect is not in the swampland and can remain in the landscape of string theory



  • نرم افزار  Adobe connect
  • نشانی  vc.basu.ac.ir/res_bsci
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